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Accounting Technology

Program Information

This research guide will provide you with basic research information for the Accounting Technology program.

Use the tabs to the left to find information library resources that will help you succeed in this program.

Finding eBooks

Find eBooks in the catalog by following these directions:

  1. Select "eBooks" or "eTextbooks" in the drop-down menu.
  2. Enter your search terms in the search bar.
  3. Press "Enter" or click on the red "Search" button.

  4. Some eBooks were published as print books and then digitized. They don't appear under the "Format" as an eBook. After you type in your search, use "Material Type," select "E-Book" and then click "Include."

Downloading eBooks

Directions for accessing eBooks:

  • Log in to access each database: your user ID is your L# and your pin is the 6 (six) digit code for your birthday - MMDDYY.
  • You can download most eBooks one chapter at a time or read them online.

EBSCO eBooks require these additional steps:

Further directions for downloading ebooks from EBSCOhost can be found at EBSCO Connect.

Database Search Tips

To access the databases, you will need to log in with your L-number and your pin.  Your pin is the six digits of your birthday - MMDDYY.

Use the best database for your research. Some databases have information on many topics and some only cover specific subjects. If you need help finding the best databases, ask a librarian for help.

See the full list of SOWELA's databases here.

The videos in the tabs above contain more tips for searching each of the different database platforms.

Most of the SOWELA Library's databases use the EBSCOhost platform. As a result, these databases all have the same set of tools. This video provides you with tips for searching the EBSCOhost databases. Tips for other platforms are listed in the tabs above.

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