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Introduction to Health Care - ACNA 1110


This guide contains library resources and research tips for the "Introduction to Health Care" course - ACNA 1110.

Use the menu on the left to find the best library resources and other materials for your assignments in this course.

Medical Databases


Directions for accessing eBooks:

  • Log in to access each database: your user ID is your L# and your pin is the 6 (six) digit code for your birthday - MMDDYY.
  • You must sign up for an account with EBSCO and download and use Adobe Digital Editions software to use EBSCO's ebook collection.
  • Further directions for downloading ebooks from EBSCOhost can be found at EBSCO Connect.

Search the following databases to find eBooks on the topic of health care:

Medical Dictionaries & Encyclopedias

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