Nurse practice acts are passed at the state level. See the information below for information governing registered nursing and practical nurses including the text from the Louisiana State Code.
This part of the Louisiana Administrative Code contains outlines the professional standards for practical nurses in the state of Louisiana. Search the text for terms such as "pharmacology," "pharmacologic," and "medication." You can perform a text search by pressing ctrl+F on a PC or command+F on a Mac.
Reviews the history of nurse practice acts, describes the eight elements of an NPA, discuss disciplinary action, names the ways that licensure status and board of nursing actions are communicated to the public, and identify the purpose of state involvement in the regulation of nursing practice. Published by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing.
This brochure explains how a board of nursing protects the public by 1) serving as a guide for consumers who have experienced or witnessed a nurse exhibiting unsafe, negligent or incompetent behavior, 2) explaining what consumers can expect when a complaint is being investigated, and 3) defining various nursing roles and responsibilities.