The library has a lot more than just books. Students have access to scholarly articles, encyclopedias, and also videos. Watch this video and learn some tips for picking the best library resource for your research.
To access e-books and articles in the library databases, you will need to log in with your L-number. Your pin is the 6 (six) digits of your birthday - MMDDYY.
Business books are located in the HD 28-70 and HF 5001-6182 sections of the shelves.
HD 28-70 Management
HF 5381-5386: Career Development
HF 5387-5387.5: Business Ethics
HF 5410-5417.5: Marketing
HF 5549-5549.5: Management
HF 5601-5689: Accounting
HF 5717-5734: Business Communication
HF 5801-6182: Advertisement
Magazine articles often provide in-depth coverage of many business topics. Use the following databases to find relevant and reliable magazine articles.
Provides access to over 570 highly regarded reference titles including encyclopedias, dictionaries, biographies, quotations, and more!
Credo Reference has short, factual articles from hundreds of professional and scholarly encyclopedias. Use the search bar in Credo Reference to browse find articles related to your topic. The "Mind Map" on the right side of the screen will show you related topics and terms to explore.
Topic pages bring together all of the articles on a given topic in one place. These are the Business topics in Credo Reference:
Explore these topic pages to find articles for your business research.
The library provides access to sever databases containing scholarly research journals. You can filter the list of databases to only those focused on Business. From there you can search with in each database.
Most of the SOWELA Library's databases use the EBSCOhost platform. As a result, these databases all have the same set of tools. This video provides you with tips for searching the EBSCOhost databases. Tips for other platforms are listed in the tabs above.
There are multiple databases available to you that are focused on business topics. Searching within these databases might be helpful in finding information relevant to your topic. For instance Business Source Complete is your best bet for finding information about specific companies and things like SWOT analyses.
Please watch the video below to see an example search in Business Source Complete
Please watch the video below to see an example search in Human Resources Abstracts