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Nursing Concepts II - NURS 2300


The MEDLINE database has special search tools that allow you to find EBP. Remember that you will need to

  1. Determine what type of question you are asking
  2. Determine which type of evidence you need based on your question type
  3. Create a PICO question for your topic

Follow the directions below to find EBP research in the MEDLINE database.

Finding EBP in MEDLINE

undefinedAdvanced Search

Select "Advanced Search" from the MEDLINE database homepage.


Add Your PICO Question

Use the boxes on the right side of the screen to select sex and age of the patient you are studying.






undefinedThen enter the remaining information from your PICO in the search boxes. Remember, you may or may nor have a comparison.




Question & Evidence Type

The "Publication Type" box allows you to select from systematic reviews, meta-analyses, randomized control trials, and case studies.

If you need a cohort study, you will need to type "cohort study" into the search bar.


undefinedThe "Clinical Queries" box allows you to search for research by question type. You can limit your search to:

  • therapy,
  • prognosis,
  • review,
  • qualitative, or
  • causation (etiology).

undefinedEBM Reviews Box

Selecting the "EBM Reviews" box will limit your search to the following 6 journals

  1. The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
  2. ACP Journal Club
  3. Clinical Evidence
  4. Evidence-based Mental Health
  5. Evidence-based Nursing
  6. Evidence report/Technology assessment
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