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Library Resources & Policies

Library Mission

To support student and faculty success through access to current resources, information literacy training, and state-of-the-art technology.

Location & Hours

The SOWELA Library & Learning Resource Center is located on the first floor of the Arts & Humanities building on the Lake Charles campus.

Library Hours of Operation:

Monday - Thursday: 7:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Friday: 7:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Closed Saturday & Sunday

Holiday Hours:

The library itself will be closed during the Thanksgiving holiday break, but computer access and printing will still be available Monday November 25 through Wednesday November 27 in the library computer lab. That lab is located next to the library on the first floor of Arts and Humanities. 

The library will resume normal business hours on Monday December 2. 



Access the Arts & Humanities building from Merganser Street.

SOWELA Instructional Site Libraries

The Lamar Salter, Morgan Smith, and Oakdale instructional sites each have a small collection of library books to support the academic programs at those locations. Computers and printing are also available.  Each of these libraries is open during the normal operating hours of its respective site.


Library Director

Khalil El-Bathy, (337) 421-6926,

Reference & Instruction

Connie Milton, (337) 421-6928,

Technical Services and Electronic Resources

Darren MacLennan, (337) 421-6927,

Morgan Smith Library

Holly Goodwin, (337) 824-4811, ext. 4656,

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