You will need to use reliable sources for your college research. Reliable sources are written by experts or go through some fact-checking process. Most of the sources that you find using Google will not meet these criteria and are therefore not considered reliable.
Reliable sources can be grouped into two categories: popular sources and scholarly sources.
Popular sources include newspapers, encyclopedias, and magazines. They are written by journalists and provide background information. They are reliable because newspapers and magazines fact-check their stories before they are published. Encyclopedias are reliable because they are written by experts on the topic.
Click on the tabs above to find these three types of sources in the library.
Magazine articles can provide you with reliable reporting, and often go more in-depth than a newspaper article. SOWELA students and faculty have access to many popular magazines such as
Click on the links below to explore the SOWELA Library's complete collection of journals and magazines.
Use these databases to find current and historical newspaper articles.
News and information from the Lake Charles, Louisiana, American Press newspaper. Full access only available on SOWELA's campus!
Provides access to over 570 highly regarded reference titles including encyclopedias, dictionaries, biographies, quotations, and more!
Provides access to over 600,000 documents, including the arts, sciences, and technology
Websites, like all potential sources, must be evaluated to determine reliability. While not scholarly sources, information found on the internet can still be used as a source for your research if it meets certain standards. Consider these 4 aspects about an online source to determine if it is reliable:
1. Author
2. Motivation or Bias
3. Evidence
4. Timeliness
Scholarly sources (also called "peer reviewed") report the scientific evidence and conclusions of scholars and researchers. Most importantly, this research has been reviewed by other scholars in the same field of study before it was published to ensure that it is accurate and reliable.
The video below will tell you more about peer reviewed sources and how to find them in the library.