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Business Administration


Make sure you are looking at the pages that correspond to your assignment. Either assignment may or may not be assigned in the current semester. Check with your instructor and your assignment description to confirm which is your assignment.

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PowerPoint Tips

The following are guidelines, not rules - you should always follow the directions provided by your instructor.

Six and Six

  • No more than 6 bullet points per slide.
  • No more than 6 words per bullet point.

PowerPoint Design Tips

  • Use a sans serif font for the body text of your slide. Fonts such as Arial, Helvetica, or Calibri are easier to read
  • Only use decorative fonts for slide headers and then only if they’re easy to read. Decorative fonts can be hard to read and should be reserved only for large headlines at the top of the page.
  • Put dark text on a light background
  • Align text left or right. Centered text is harder to read. It will look better and be easier to follow on the left or right.
  • Avoid clutter. Only include a headline, a few bullet points, and maybe an image on each slide. Anything more than that will overwhelm your audience and distract them from listening to you.

The 10-20-30 Rule

  • 10 slides - map out your main ideas; your audience will probably not even remember more than ten points from your presentation.
  • 20 minutes total - that's no more than 2 minutes per slide; be efficient when speaking and focus on the most important points.
  • 30 point font - use less text to summarize (not explain) your main points; this makes slide easier to understand and see.
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